Subject:   PHYSICS



Teaching Staff:


Mr Don Erskine ( Head of Department )

Mdm Koo Geok Leng ( Assistant HOD )

Mr David Foulkes

Mr Kho Bok Choon

Mr Ian Simpson

Roziah Hj Othman



A brief outline of the syllabus:


The syllabus is constructed on a ‘core plus options’ basis, in which the core represents 90% of the whole course and consists of five main sections:

1.      General Physics

2.      Newtonian Mechanics

3.      Oscillations and waves

4.      Electricity and magnetism

5.      Matter

At least two options will be chosen from:  Astrophysics and Cosmology; Physics of Materials; Electronics; Physics of Fluids; Medical Physics; Environmental Physics; Telecommunications.



The particular qualities which are needed for this subject:


Successful study of A-level Physics generally requires that the student will have an interest in the subject and possess or develop study skills in order to acquire:

a)      A knowledge and understanding of the basic principles of physics.

b)      The ability to handle, apply and evaluate information.

c)      Good experimental techniques and the ability to interpret and evaluate observations and data.

d)      An inquisitiveness as to how or why things work.





Paper 1                                  Multiple Choice                                                1 hour

Paper 2                                  Short Structured Questions                               1 hour 45 minutes

Paper 3                                  Longer Structured Questions                             2 hour 30 minutes

Paper 4                                  Practical                                                             3 hour



Suggested prior grades which A level teachers feel are necessary for success in this subject.: (NB These may not be the minimum entry qualifications set by the Ministry)


Grade 6 or better in O level Physics

Grade 6 or better in O level Mathematics

Grade 7 or better in O level English



Further education and career prospects for someone who studies this subject:


Pure physics – research and teaching.

All branches of engineering.

Careers in the medical field e.g. diagnostic imaging, radiation and laser technology.

Many technical courses at Higher Diploma or Certificate level .