
::ydp foreword::


day 1
day 2
day 3
day 4
day 5
day 6




:::maktab duli:::
all rights reserved
ready for a tour around md ready for a tour around md infront of the library ...and to your left is our sweet library. you will find yourself spending a lot of your time here.
still infront of library move on girls... no 'lepaking' (loitering) infront of the library thank you... touring the economics block one of the longest queue in MD
touring the mob block and... *looking at the school map*... where are we? BEs looking at maps looking at the school map is always a smart thing to do when you are lost... especially in a big group!
lining up near conference more lost students? sitting in dining initiation: inspection project
::1:: ::2:: ::3:: ::4::
::maktab duli::
copyrights 2001